Photo of Brittnay Bemis, MD
Brittnay Bemis, MD
Photo of Brittnay Bemis, MD
Brittnay Bemis, MD
Darby, Montana
Medical School:
American University of Antigua
Personal Statement Or Description:

Grew up on a Black Angus and Appaloosa ranch in Montana, played college basketball and have a black belt in tae kwon do. I love the outdoors and being active. I worked as an emergency department scribe and an OBGYN med/ surg assistant prior to medical school.

Why Broward EM:

I liked that it is a new program which requires strong leadership and will be open to changes. After interviewing, I could see that the faculty were diverse, very highly educated, are dedicated to making the program effective and extremely invested in ensuring every resident excels. Broward patient population and medical needs are broad and the hospitals we rotate through being level 1 and level 2 trauma centers provide 2 differing yet extensive opportunities for learning and growth to be prepared to work in any type of emergency department after residency.

Training Program


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